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Tickets Atelier Café

You can buy tickets for events at Atelier Café directly from us!
Cluj-Napoca: Stand-Up Comedy "Swing The Joke"
Va asteptam la o seara de Stand-Up Comedy unde fiecare comediant va incerca sa spuna glumele celuilalt, in data de 12 Martie la Atelier Cafe alaturi…
766 EUR
Cluj-Napoca: Dirty Sound Magnet
19 Mar
During their 2025 tour, Dirty Sound Magnet will make a stop also in Cluj, it will be their first concert ever here and we are thrilled to welcome them…
1064 EUR
Cluj-Napoca: MINDTHEGAP Trio | Album Launch: Distant Signals
2 Apr
The experimental jazz band MINDTHEGAP Trio will launch their debut album DISTANT SIGNALS in Atelier. The album introduces an eclectic mix of 8 songs…
1064 EUR

Atelier Café ,
Strada Memorandumului 9

Phone 0264 450 655