The Station - Bilete la The Station pe

Tickets The Station

You can buy tickets for events at The Station directly from us!
Petrosani: Robin and The Backstabbers
22 Mar
Robin and The Backstabbers ajung pentru prima data la Petrosani, la The Station, pe 22 martie. . More to be announced soon, stay tuned
Hurry up, just a few tickets left!
1205 EUR
Petrosani: Omul cu Sobolani • Lansare de single • „Imi place”
4 Apr
Omul cu Sobolani lanseaza "Imi Place!" si ajunge in premiera in Petrosani, la The Station, vineri 4 aprilie. Acces de la ora 19:00.
from 1071 EUR

The Station ,
Stația Părângul

Phone 0727968439